Feature Film Coming Soon...
Two strangers in their 50s, both going through pivotal moments in their lives, meet on a hike and share a deep connection.
Who Will You Connect With On Your Journey?
This story is about what happens after "happily ever after.” JULIE has just lost her father and WILL is recently divorced and struggling to connect with his teenage daughter. Kindred spirits, they talk about civil rights, justice, spirituality, and explore the purpose of life, which they conclude is to love each other and work toward the betterment of society. They find out it’s never too late to fall in love and confirm our spiritual connection to those who look after us once they've crossed over, realizing that her dad has set them up from his new form as an angel.
Cast & Crew
Julie (Cast TBD)
50s, youthful for her age, spunky and outgoing, analytical, and upbeat, even when she’s talking about topics that should be depressing-- especially then.
Will (Cast TBD)
50s, a kind civil rights lawyer, who is handsome for his age and somewhat broken from his recent divorce. He’s not overtly edgy-– but his motorcycle gives him away.
Monique Sorgen
Sean Akers, Jenn McLaughlin, Monique Sorgen
Casting Director
Stacey Tenenbaum